Friday, January 12, 2018

January 2018

Welcome to the New Year!  Can you believe that this school year is almost half over?

We have started our indoor tennis unit.  This is one of my favorite units since we are so fortunate to have it in our school.  Students started this week by being introduced to the get ready position and the forehand swing.  Next week, we will get into the backhand swing.  Eventually, students will learn the serve and volley (fourth and fifth graders).  Students will be allowed to drop hit a serve or do a tennis serve.  I stress to the students that this is an introduction to this sport.  It takes a lot of practice to really work on these skills.

February will bring about working on some skills associated with basketball.

There are MANY chances for intramurals right now.  These slips are due back NEXT WEEK!  They include 4th grade basketball girls intramurals with Mrs. Linde.  In addition, Mr. Trinco will be starting 4th grade boys and girls hockey.  Last, Miss Donar will start 4th and 5th grade girls and boys co-ed games.  If you are interested in any of the above, contact the coach or me with questions. 
Yes, fourth grade girls can sign up for all of them if they choose.  They gym will be shared among the different intramurals. 

Even though it is cold outside, remember to stay active!!!