Thursday, August 27, 2020

September 2020

Cushing's Corner - Prairieview PE

Welcome back Panthers!  It has been great being able to see you again.  I am loving getting to know my third graders.  I know that teaching your child is a privilege, as well as a tremendous responsibility.  I ensure that each student will have a safe learning experience during PE.  I look forward to working with your child this year. Gym shoes are a must each day.  This is for the safety of your child. Please work on tying gym shoes if your child struggles with this.  

This year PE will look a little different.  Students will be getting their heart rate up while social distancing.  Students will be outside whenever possible.  The masks will come off during that time.  We will focus on safety, cooperation, communication, and trust.  

Feel free to reach out with any questions.  I am available through email at or 
630 783 5067.