Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 2019

Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break!  Students at Prairieview came back to PE this week starting an indoor unit in tennis.  Third grade students will be introduced to the get ready position, the forehand and backhand swing, the volley, and the serve.  Fourth graders will review the above positions.  They will also have an opportunity to practice their skills playing various lead up games to tennis.  Fifth graders will be introduced to playing the game of tennis in both a singles and doubles game while scoring.  It is an exciting time for the students.  Please ask your child about it later in the month.
The third graders will have a chance to sign up for intramural basketball with Mrs. Sanchez.  Permission slips are going home today (January 8th).  They are due back by the end of the week.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!